Many governments continue to approve new coal, oil and gas projects, undermining the chances of meeting global climate goals. An international and legally binding treaty can change that. The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty initiative is committed to making that possible. It focuses specifically on three goals: non-proliferation of new coal, oil and gas fields, fair phase-out from existing production in line with 1.5C and a just transition to renewables in which no worker, community or country is left behind.

A coalition of countries, cities, governments, scientists, organisations and companies that support such a treaty is growing fast. Shortly before the start of COP28, the European Parliament voted for a clear demand for nation states to join the growing bloc of governments seeking to negotiate a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. The most recent signatories include Palau and Colombia. Triodos Bank was the first bank in the world to join the initiative. More than 600,000 people also signed the call for an internationally binding treaty.

The words fossil fuels, oil, gas or coal are not mentioned once in the Paris Agreement despite the fact that they are responsible for 86% of carbon emissions in the last decade. In other words: we need another treaty that focuses on phasing out fossil fuels.The Fossil Fuel Treaty could provide the missing legal framework to get started with this. A successful example of such an agreement between countries is the Montreal Protocol. Thanks to this international treaty, finalised in 1987, we no longer use ozone-depleting substances.

For more information about the global campaign for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, visit