The platform was announced on the “Train to Paris”. To reinforce the initiative, Piet Sprengers of ASN Bank and president of PCAF handed the 'Dutch Carbon Pledge' to Sharon Dijksma, Secretary of Infrastructure and the Environment of the Netherlands on behalf of the Platform members. The pledge is a call to the negotiators at the climate conference in Paris to consider the role played by investors and financial institutions in achieving climate targets.
PCAF aims to develop methodology based on the International Protocol of the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD). This is the international standard for measuring greenhouse gas emissions. When the participants in PCAF have more insight into the CO2 impact of their investments and financing, they can establish their climate footprint in a more robust way. This insight helps them to formulate goals for climate investments and financing, with a view to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Members of the Platform Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) are: ABN AMRO, ACTIAM, APG-ABP, ASN Bank, FMO, MN Services, PGGM, SNS Bank, Stichting Pensioenfonds Metaal and Technology (PMT), Pension Fund Foundation Metalektro (PME) and Triodos Bank.
See other COP21 commitments of Triodos Bank