In the Annual General Meeting of 18 May 2018, Pierre Aeby, Chief Financial Officer and member of the Executive Board (EB), announced his decision to step down from his role after the Annual General Meeting in 2019. The growth of the organisation, coupled with increased regulation, bring additional challenges. Triodos Bank recently announced it has decided to expand its Executive Board with a Chief Risk Officer, bringing the board to four members. After the appointment the EB will consist of Peter Blom (CEO), Jellie Banga (COO) and Carla van der Weerdt (CRO). The vacancy of CFO is expected to be filled later in the year.
The Dutch Central Bank has approved the proposed appointment of Carla van der Weerdt as member of the Executive Board. The Works Council of Triodos Bank has given positive advice regarding the intended appointment.
Aart de Geus, Chair of the Supervisory Board: "The Supervisory Board is very pleased with the nomination of Carla van der Weerdt. We believe she has the appropriate knowledge and experience to strengthen the Executive Board as CRO."
CEO and Chair of the Executive Board Peter Blom: “Carla van der Weerdt has a very relevant background and connection to Triodos Bank and she will bring valuable experience to our strategic risk management and compliance agenda. The Executive Board looks forward to our future cooperation."
Abridged CV of Carla van der Weerdt
Carla van der Weerdt (1964) is a partner at Accent Organisatie Advies B.V. and had a banking career for fifteen years in ABN AMRO Bank NV, amongst others as the CFO/COO of Global Transaction Banking, as the Global Head of Operational Risk Management and as the Global Head of Risk Management & Compliance in Asset Management. Carla van der Weerdt is a member of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Audit Committee of BinckBank N.V., a member of the Supervisory Board of DSW Zorgverzekeraar U.A., the University of Applied Science Inholland and Habion Foundation and a member of the Advisory Board of the Court of Gelderland and member of the Board of Vastgoed Zorgsector Foundation. Upon appointment, Carla van der Weerdt has indicated that she will relinquish her ancillary positions, except for her position at DSW, to fully dedicate herself to the position of CRO.
Carla van der Weerdt is of Dutch Nationality and does not own any Triodos Bank depository receipts.
The Annual General Meeting of Triodos Bank N.V. will take place on Friday 17 May 2019.