Triodos has been co-founder and a shareholder of Sustainalytics, since it was established in 2009 from a merger of Dutch Sustainability Research (DSR, largely owned by Triodos Research) and Jantzi Research as the lead companies involved. Both were frontrunners in the field of ESG and impact investing analytics.
Peter Blom, CEO & Chairman of the Executive Board of Triodos Bank said: “Sustainalytics has established itself as a global leader in ESG & corporate governance research and ratings. We are proud to have played a substantial role in this development and to have stood at the basis of the company.”
“Since co-founding Sustainalytics through the merger of Jantzi Research and DSR eight years ago, Triodos has been a key partner in helping us become the leading independent provider of ESG research and insights globally,” said Michael Jantzi, Sustainalytics’ CEO. “Although Triodos is no longer a Sustainalytics’ shareholder, we remain closely connected and look forward to working together.”
Sustainalytics will continue on in advancing the practice of responsible investing together with investment research provider Morningstar as a new and significant shareholder.
“Given the accelerating demand for ESG insights within the investment process, Sustainalytics is now entering a new stage of growth. It is therefore the right time for Sustainalytics to join forces with a company like Morningstar, which will significantly strengthen Sustainalytics’ position in the global investment community”, Peter Blom concludes.
About Sustainalytics
Sustainalytics is an independent ESG and corporate governance research, ratings and analysis firm supporting investors around the world with the development and implementation of responsible investment strategies. With 13 offices globally, Sustainalytics partners with institutional investors who integrate environmental, social and governance information and assessments into their investment processes. Today, the firm has more than 300 staff members, including 170 analysts with varied multidisciplinary expertise of more than 40 sectors. Through the IRRI Survey, investors selected Sustainalytics as the best independent responsible investment research firm for three consecutive years, 2012 through 2014, and in 2015 and 2016 Sustainalytics was named among the top three firms for both ESG and Corporate Governance research. For more information, visit
About Triodos Bank
Founded in 1980, Triodos Bank has become a reference point for sustainable banking globally. Triodos Bank is an independent bank that promotes sustainable and transparent banking. It does not see any conflict between a focus on people and the planet and a good financial return. Instead it believes that they reinforce each other in the long-term.
Triodos Bank has branches in the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, Spain, Germany and an agency in France. It is a global authority in the field of microfinance in developing countries, Central Asia and Eastern Europe.
Triodos Bank co-founded the Global Alliance for Banking on Values, a network of 44 sustainable banks. Together these banks want to grow sustainable banking and its impact substantially.
Triodos Bank N.V. has a full banking licence and is registered with The Nederlandsche Bank N.V. (the Dutch central bank) and The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets.