Triodos Fair Share Fund and Triodos Microfinance Fund experienced a strong growth of their total assets under management by respectively 24.7% and 30.7%. Triodos Renewable Europe Fund grew with 25.4%. The Triodos Sustainable Funds, which invest in listed companies, grew with 22.5% due to a strong inflow of new investors and increase in share price.
Marilou van Golstein Brouwers, Managing Director of Triodos Investment Management: ‘We see a growing interest of investors in impact investing. We will, in response, broaden our fund-offering in impact investing with a long term private equity fund that will invest in leaders in the organic and sustainable consumers market in Europe.’
Michael Jongeneel, Managing Director of Triodos Investment Management: ‘In 2012, it became clear that austerity measures taken in light of the European debt-crisis negatively influenced the investment climate for renewable energy. Still, solar- and wind-energy will, also for governments, remain the most suitable technologies for the necessary switch to a sustainable energy production. We therefore expect new investment opportunities in this sector in 2013.
The total assets under management of Triodos Real Estate Fund decreased by 12.8%, due to negative revaluations of the property-portfolio. A decrease took also place in the total assets under management of Triodos Culture Fund (Arts and Culture) by 26.7%. This decrease was mostly caused by the abolition of the tax-benefit for cultural investments per 1 January 2013.
In 2012, the fiscal benefits for green and social investments were changed Only the fiscal benefit for green investments remains at 1.9%. For Triodos Green fund this is positive and lead to an increase in investors by 2.4%.
Triodos Investment Funds offer investors the opportunity to invest directly in sustainable sectors. These sectors range from microfinance, sustainable energy and organic farming to cultural institutions, sustainable real estate and listed companies with an above-average social and environmental performance. The investment funds are managed by Triodos Investment Management, a 100% subsidiary of Triodos Bank NV.

Triodos investment funds grow by 7% in 2012
Press Release -
The total assets under management of the investment funds that are managed by Triodos Investment Management grew by 7% in 2012 to EUR 2.2 billion. In 2011 this growth was 17%.