About Triodos Bank
Founded in 1980, Triodos Bank has become a reference point for sustainable banking globally.
Triodos Bank is an independent bank that promotes sustainable and transparent banking. It does not see any conflict between a focus on people and the planet and a good financial return. Instead it believes that they reinforce each other in the long-term.
Triodos Bank has branches in the Netherlands, Belgium, UK, Spain and Germany. The Bank is a global authority in the field of microfinance in developing countries, Central Asia and Eastern Europe.
Triodos Bank co-founded the Global Alliance for Banking on Values, a network of 22 sustainable banks. Together these banks want to grow sustainable banking and its impact substantially.
In 2009 Triodos Bank was voted the most sustainable bank of the year, because of the leadership and innovation Triodos Bank has shown for the past 30 years in integrating sustainability in all its activities. An international jury, appointed by the Financial Times and the IFC - a member of the World Bank – voted for the winners at the FT Sustainable Banking Awards.
Triodos Bank N.V. has a full banking licence and is registered with The Nederlandsche Bank N.V. (the Dutch central bank) and The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets.